Thursday, October 12, 2017

Directions:  Go to the computer lab.  Research and investigate what Figurative Sculpture is.  Look up artist Alberto Giacometti, and create a fact page.  Tell me his biography, what type of art he created and please be descriptive and draw examples.  Define the words Shape, Form, Movement, Texture, Tone, Monochromatic, Hue.  Use this website to conduct your research  Here you will find definitions, and information about the artist.

ü Definition- Figurative Art/Figurative Sculpture
ü Alberto Giacometti Biography
(born date, death date, where he was from, where his went to school, what is he famous for, what type of art did he make)
ü 7 Terms and Definitions
ü Drawn Picture Examples
ü Decorative Elements (color, shading, lettering, bullets, arrows, boxes) Here is a link to the final Project.
Image result for giacometti sculpture worksheet

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Google Drive with portrait pictures:

Go to the google drive and select your picture.
Save the picture to your student folder.

Begin editing your photo.  We will be creating a monochromatic portrait today in the computer lab.
Save your new edited image to your student folder.  Open your image in Microsoft Word, and resize to 6x8 or 8x10.  Print 2 Copies. Turn in with name to Mrs. Hurd.

Here is a video tutorial that you might find helpful or inspiring.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Sculputure Class-Henri Moore Inspiration


Sketchnoting Defined - Doug Neill, Verbal To Visual, visual note-taking, sketchnoting in the classroom

1.   Create a page of Verbal (written notes) & Written Notes
Facts, interesting lettering, bullets, and graphics

Image result for visual verbal notes
Image result for visual verbal notes

Henry Moore, Eight Sculpture Ideas 1980-81

2.  Print out 3- 5 examples of Moore's Sculpture.
(Right Click and Copy and Paste images into Microsoft Word or Google Docs.  The images need to all fit on one page.  Only print ONCE.  If it doesn't print it might be out of paper, or toner- do not keep clicking print!)

3.  Cut out and Glue images into sketchbook with glue stick.

4.  Create an entire page of sketches using your reference images.  Add as much detail as possible.  You need to shade, and you can add color with colored pencils, markers, watercolor, or ink pen.  YOU CHOOSE.
a level artist research -- this is an incredibly interesting article

UNIT 3 Personal Study