Thursday, October 12, 2017

Directions:  Go to the computer lab.  Research and investigate what Figurative Sculpture is.  Look up artist Alberto Giacometti, and create a fact page.  Tell me his biography, what type of art he created and please be descriptive and draw examples.  Define the words Shape, Form, Movement, Texture, Tone, Monochromatic, Hue.  Use this website to conduct your research  Here you will find definitions, and information about the artist.

ü Definition- Figurative Art/Figurative Sculpture
ü Alberto Giacometti Biography
(born date, death date, where he was from, where his went to school, what is he famous for, what type of art did he make)
ü 7 Terms and Definitions
ü Drawn Picture Examples
ü Decorative Elements (color, shading, lettering, bullets, arrows, boxes) Here is a link to the final Project.
Image result for giacometti sculpture worksheet

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Google Drive with portrait pictures:

Go to the google drive and select your picture.
Save the picture to your student folder.

Begin editing your photo.  We will be creating a monochromatic portrait today in the computer lab.
Save your new edited image to your student folder.  Open your image in Microsoft Word, and resize to 6x8 or 8x10.  Print 2 Copies. Turn in with name to Mrs. Hurd.

Here is a video tutorial that you might find helpful or inspiring.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Sculputure Class-Henri Moore Inspiration


Sketchnoting Defined - Doug Neill, Verbal To Visual, visual note-taking, sketchnoting in the classroom

1.   Create a page of Verbal (written notes) & Written Notes
Facts, interesting lettering, bullets, and graphics

Image result for visual verbal notes
Image result for visual verbal notes

Henry Moore, Eight Sculpture Ideas 1980-81

2.  Print out 3- 5 examples of Moore's Sculpture.
(Right Click and Copy and Paste images into Microsoft Word or Google Docs.  The images need to all fit on one page.  Only print ONCE.  If it doesn't print it might be out of paper, or toner- do not keep clicking print!)

3.  Cut out and Glue images into sketchbook with glue stick.

4.  Create an entire page of sketches using your reference images.  Add as much detail as possible.  You need to shade, and you can add color with colored pencils, markers, watercolor, or ink pen.  YOU CHOOSE.
a level artist research -- this is an incredibly interesting article

UNIT 3 Personal Study

Friday, September 22, 2017

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Room in 1 point Perspective 

We will be creating a room in 1 point perspective.  Everything drawn must recede to the vanishing point, and you will need to shade in order to create a sense of depth.

Consider Composition
Draw Big
Fill UP the paper
Draw lines off the page if needed
Things are smaller and dull as they go into the distance away from the viewer

room in 1 point perspective

horizon line

vanishing point

receding lines

grid in perspective


Monday, September 11, 2017

Painting a Triptych

We will be painting a triptych painting.  The painting will focus on color schemes, and painting techniques.

Greek Art

This week we will explore Greek Art

First watch this video: (stop at 4:40 min.)

Next watch this youtube video and take notes to learn proper terminology.
You will need to turn in a simple column with the parts labeled when the video is over.

Now we will complete a guided drawing in class.
Here is link for inspiration:

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Clay Basics
What will you make your Pinch Pot into?

Please copy down to your sketch book...
THE OTHER ART ONE - Art Teacher blog Like this handout layout for terms!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Crafts Class-Prehistoric Art

Image result for cave painting symbols
Image result for cave paintings

Welcome to another year at FCHS.  

Image result for cave painting symbols

Today we will be reviewing the Pre-historic Art Period.  (Look at the examples below.)
We will watch a couple of short video clips, and then there will be a demonstration.
Next we will begin creating our own versions of the Lascaux Cave Paintings.

Image result for cave painting symbols

Image result for cave painting symbols              Related image

Image result for lascaux cave paintings charcoal drawings

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Macrame Bracelets...KNOTS!

Use the internet to find a pattern. 
I have pinned several to this board
Copy and paste image of pattern to Microsoft word and print out two copies...1 for Mrs. Hurd with your name on it, and one for yourself to look at while creating.
When finished you may have free-time on internet.

It must be somewhat difficult....NO BRAIDING.  It needs to be a knot pattern.  No side winders, or ladders

Example of no goes...Image result for friendship bracelets

Example of what to do....Image result for friendship bracelets

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Hieroglyphics and Egyptian Art

Use the symbols below to create your own cartouche.

You will be graded on composition, use of space and class time, creativity, and craftsmanship.

You may use colored pencils or pastels to create.

This assignment is due on Friday the 12th of May.

  1. a carved tablet or drawing representing a scroll with rolled-up ends, used ornamentally or bearing an 

Image result for egyptian hieroglyphics

egyptian alphabet symbols for Crack the Code print project-great for Fourth Great Lesson...also has stuff for Africa:

Greek Columns- Crafts

Image result for greek column drawing

Students will create a column drawing in the style of the Greek Order- Students may choose Doric, Ionic, or Corinthian.

Students will be graded on proportions/composition, shading, and craftsmanship.

Use the examples for inspiration.
Think about composition- 

                           Related image

                                     Related image

                    Related image

                       Related image

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

3-D Landscape

Intro to Art:  3-D Landscape

* Complete Sketchbook assignment.

* Answer Prompts below, and show Mrs.Hurd before you get started.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Intro. to Art- Coil Pots

Watch Video:
Notice the different techniques...
Coil, slab, pebbles, spiral medallions

Read the Clay Terms
Write the Clay Terms and Definitions in your sketchbook or on paper.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Patriotic Poppies For Memorial Day with Mrs. Hurd's Drawing Class

Paper Mache Gargoyles with Mrs. Hurd's Crafts Class

Gargoyle/Grotesque Project

Inspiration:  Labyrinth the movie

Students will watch Jim Henson's the Labyrinth Movie and complete movie notes handout.


Create a gargoyle or grotesque creature inspired by Jim Henson's puppets out of paper mache.  Watch the paper mache demo below for ideas.

Directions: 1. Brainstorm
2. Sketch out ideas & decide
3. Breakdown sketch into individual parts
4. Decide how you are going to make it three dimensional- cardboard, tape, crumpled paper, shaped paper, wire, tin foil
5.  What color will you be painting the sculpture?  Funky, faux stone, solid, pattern?
6.  Get sketch approved by Mrs. Hurd

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Students will view ppt, define vocabulary words, and create a mandala.

                            Radialsymmetry from Natalie Hurd