Monday, January 26, 2015

Stay-Wet Painting Palette for Bonus!

How to Make a Stay-Wet Palette

Anyone who paints with acrylics will know how fast they dry.  While that's a good thing when it comes to getting artwork finished quickly, it's not so good for keeping colours mixed and ready for a few days (or even months) while you work on a project.
Follow the link below if you would like to create your very own, stay wet pallette.  As usual you will recieve bonus points for creating and bring in supplies outside of class!!  5pts!!

Typography: Alphabeasties

Typography: Alphabeasties
Graphic Design Projec

Watch Typography PPT, take notes, & turn into Mrs. Hurd
Challenge:  Create an animal of your choice out of the the letters the animal spells!
Example:  Bird- B   I    R   D- you could use one or all of those letters.

Adobe Photoshop
Pen tool
Type Tools (Typing inside an area, Typing along a path/outside of shape, etc)
The Internet (To find an image of an animal only)
You may use two colors + black + white
1 letter, 1 font or 1 word 1 font

Step1: Finding an Animal or Insect
  • Using the internet find a picture of your animal. (Google image search)
  • Save the image of your animal to your folder.
    Right Click> Save Image As> Name and <Save
  • Open up Adobe Photoshop
  • Open up your saved animal picture (File > Your Folder> Your Image)
  • Go to View > fit to screen or (ctrl+0)
Step 2:  Setting up your work area in Photoshop
  • Go to File< New
    Change size to around 8.5x 11 inches 200 ppi
  • Go to Window> History (Drag History box to right hand side of screen)
  • Create 3 duplicate layers (background, 1, 2).  Make sure background is unlocked.
    ( Right click on background layer>duplicate layer)

    Whatever layer is highlighted in blue, that is the layer you are working on
    The eye ball icon next to the layer controls if you can see it or not
  • Select layer named 1.  Copy & Paste Animal or Insect onto this layer. Ctrl+ T to resize.
  •  Select Magic Wand Tool/ Quick Selection.  Delete the background.
    Holding SHIFT down while using the mouse adds to selection
    Holding ALT down while using the mouse subtracts from selection
    Name this layer animal with no background.
  • When finished cropping go to Select>Deselect
  • Select layer named 2.  Go to Edit>Fill>color white
    Name this layer working layer
Step 3:  Using the Pen Tool & the Type Tool
  • Change opacity to around 65%
    This will help you see what lines to trace with the pen tool.
  • Watch Pen Tool Demos- Links are listed below.
  • Select and hold down the Pen Tool.  A menu will appear, select Desired Pen
  • Draw lines and fill in with text.  Vary the size, shape, or color of font.
    to save double click on path and name it.

CLICK for a corner point
CLICK and DRAG for a curve
Place points at curve mid points
Hold CTRL to adjust existing points
Must close the path to finish
Double click paths palette to save while holding space bar
Hold Spacebar down to move image

Georgia O'Keefe Project

Painting Class

Now that we have studied the life and times of Georgia O'Keefe it is time to paint in her style!
Go to
Here you will find images of Georgia's work, and some great flower reference pictures.  This art teacher's blog is so thorough I didn't feel the need create a new post on my blog.
Look through the artwork, find a reference photo and watch the how-to videos.
Remember O'keefe was also famous for stark desert landscapes and sun dried animal bones.  If you do not wish to create a flower painting you may find a reference on google of one of the above mentioned subjects.  Now let's get started!!

*By the end of class you should have 2 reference photos printed off- one in color and one in grayscale.

*Tomorrow we will be sketching so make sure to bring your sketchbook, pencil, and eraser!!!

*Here is an example of last year's class work.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Introduction to the Type Tool

Assignment:  Fill out worksheet while watching demonstration, and during your creative process.
You will create an interesting positive and negative space design using only shapes and text.

The type tool from Natalie Hurd

Below is an example of what you should have, and what your layer panel should look like.
When complete sign the bottom right with the type tool, and print out.  Turn into Mrs. Hurd.
(Don't forget to Scale to Fit Media in the print dialog box.)

Friday, January 16, 2015

Chalk Build Up Brush

Graphic Design
Watch Video Below for instructions.

Crafts Class

Totem Poles
Craft Students learn about the Pacific Northwest Native Americans and their art work/totem poles.

Mural Project

Craft's class completed a mural project this week in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I finally figured out how to create a large scale print out in publisher.  I have seen the idea on the internet for quite sometime now.  We finally figured it out! :) Good job Crafts Class!


Hopefully this will be the semester of no wasted paint.  This living painting project will, fingers crossed, produce an abstract paintng by the end of the year.
LET's DO IT! Use your fingers, a brush, whatever and smear that paint on that canvas! :D

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Frog Tongue #2

Here is an example of how you can change your "do it yourself" animal tongue with texture and color changes! Reminder:  Tongue needs to have an animal cloned to the tip, tongue also needs to be a different color (I also changed the skin too), and you need a texture ontop of the lip.
 Good luck and don't forget to email me the finished product at

Friday, January 9, 2015

Graphic Design

Frog Tongue Exercise 
Learning how to:
  • Open Photoshop
  • Copy & Paste
  • Magic Selection Tool
  • Creating Layers
  • Clone Stamp
  • Naming Layers
  • Saving Documents

Step 1:  Save the below frog and lip images into your student folder or jump drive.
             Right click<save as and save to your folder.

Step 2:  Open images in Photoshop
              <Programs <Adobe Photoshop
              On application bar < File < Open and find your image

Step 3: We will be using the Quick Selection tool to erase the background of the frog picture.
             The icon

Step 4:  Create a new document that is 10x8 inches & 220 ppi- LANDSCAPE
              Go to application bar < File < New
Make sure width and hieght are in inches NOT PIXELS!

Step 5:  This new blank document will be our working canvas.
              Click back to the lips images.  Use the marquee tool to select all of the lips image.
              On the application bar < Edit < Copy
              Go to the blank canvas <Edit < Paste
              <ctrl + T to resize the image to fit the blank canvas
              You have now just created your first layer!!!  YAY!
              Repeat these steps with the frog image.
              This is what everything should look like in photoshop when you are ready to begin the

Step 6:  Watch this video tutorial and follow along.
             Raise your hand anytime you need help.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Graphic Design

"Though often overlooked, Graphic Design surrounds us: it is the signs we read, the products we buy, and the rooms we inhabit. Graphic designers find beauty within limitations, working towards the ultimate goal of visually communicating a message, be it the packaging of a product, the spirit of a book, or the narrative of a building. Utilizing a language of type and imagery, graphic designers try to make every aspect of our lives defined and beautiful."

Open (in micro word) or print out the worksheet.  Watch the following pbs offbook video.  Take notes while you watch, and summarize the video under the bullet points provided on the worksheet.  You may type the worksheet or hand write the worksheet.  Make sure to read and follow the directions.

click to download: Graphic design video notes from Natalie Hurd

Click on link for the color theory portion of your worksheet.  Read through the entire website and define the color theory terms on your worksheet.

Click Here:  Color Theory Link

Monday, January 5, 2015


Totem Poles

Just for fun, I found a quiz.  This might inspire you on what animal to use for the project.  Click on the link below.

Link:  What is your spirit animal?

Also if you missed anything in class here is a copy of the power point.


Rules of Mrs. Hurd's Artroom

Rules and passes pdf from Natalie Hurd

Required Materials for the Artroom